Class Notes 4/27/16

Class Notes 4/27/16
Karen: [Speaking about WRT 205 as a whole.] This course will help you tackle research objectives as they come into your professional and personal life. Thats why we have talked so much about intellectual tools that you’ve been using in your writing. (Like, how to incorporate a range of voices surrounding your topics.) [All to help you.]
Reflective Portfolio (DUE FRIDAY 5/6/16)
Consists of: ONE document with ALL of the intended assignments for the portfolio. **Turn on Track Changes, use the ‘new comment’ button to attach your own comments of how you used research.** Save as PDF.—DUE NEXT FRIDAY (May 6th)
  1. A retrospective look back on what you have learned.
  2. To be able to asses what you are learning and to see what you have
  3. For you to make that knowledge, reflecting on what you have learned.
  1. Grab on to the pieces of writing you have written in this course. 2 or 3 smaller ‘other’ assignments.
  2. Look through the text and annotate them. Figure out what you have learned trough these assignments,
  3. How you chose your sources and work with your sources.
Self Evaluation
(Which will also be attached in the single document holding your whole portfolio)
  • 500-600 words.
  • Focus on how you advanced as a writer in this course.
Unit 3 Projects due Monday by 11:59pm
(Email her anything and she will get back to you on what you can work on.)
-Unit 3 project (with bibliography attached!
-Review and revision worksheet that was started on class this past Monday.
-ANY MISSING WORK (blank on blackboard) [Not accepting any date after Monday]
-Revision packets (on BB, Revising to Re-See) that can be submitted for extra credit. (UP TO 3 PERCENTAGE POINTS on your Unit 3 Final Project!!! YASSSSS!!!)
Come on Monday with your laptops and textbooks!
Email with ANY questions!

Class Notes 3/28/16


  • Coming to terms– acknowledging where the author is coming from
  • Forwarding– taking the authors ideas and putting them into a new environment 
  • Countering– Naysayers, opposition research, how will people question argument, strengthen claim, acknowledge limitations
  • Taking an approach– what a text is trying to do and how they do it, look at sources for help taking your approach, developing your own stance, being influenced by a particular source giving you insight into how you want to go about your work (their language and assembly) 


  • What has been influential in sources you’ve looked at and how will you use it for your work?
  • Make sure you find a variety of sources

How to find sources

  • Library database
  • Complicating your research link in Blackboard (variety of perspectives is important for a well rounded argument)
  • Backlink searching on google
  • Seminal articles- who are the most cited people


Handouts Tab- note taking sheet for sources, rounding out the conversation WS(Should be handed in)


  • Annotated Bibliography due Friday
  • Come to class Wednesday to take notes on documentary

Class Notes 3/21

Class Notes:

Unit 3 –> putting to use everything that we have learned all semester

Major Projects:

  1. Annotated bibliographies: for every source write 2 paragraphs on it.

First paragraph: what it is, background info, etc

Second paragraph: what use it has for you

  1. Conversation dialogue

Joe Harris Notes:

  • Before we can do close work with our writing, we need to really understand sources completely
  • Countering –>
  • J.Harris 3 step process: come to terms with the point of view, identified the limits or problems with the perspective, construct your own position and response
  • Sources: you’re looking for sources that will help develop thinking and not so much articles that agree with your stance
  • Pg 57: 3 ways to think about countering work
  1. Pick up on something someone has said, complicate it or dispute it
  2. Uncover the significance about what they have overlooked
  3. Disagreement: find the limitations of what others have said


Importance of engaging with different perspectives:

  • Enhances the significance of what you have to say
  • It’s a better approach to acknowledge what others have to say and avoids emotional attacks

For Wednesday 3/23:

  1. Complete TIRQ in journal on blackboard
  2. Finish TIRQ diagram we worked on in class
  3. Find 3 sources that may serve a purpose in your paper