Class Notes 3/21

Class Notes:

Unit 3 –> putting to use everything that we have learned all semester

Major Projects:

  1. Annotated bibliographies: for every source write 2 paragraphs on it.

First paragraph: what it is, background info, etc

Second paragraph: what use it has for you

  1. Conversation dialogue

Joe Harris Notes:

  • Before we can do close work with our writing, we need to really understand sources completely
  • Countering –>
  • J.Harris 3 step process: come to terms with the point of view, identified the limits or problems with the perspective, construct your own position and response
  • Sources: you’re looking for sources that will help develop thinking and not so much articles that agree with your stance
  • Pg 57: 3 ways to think about countering work
  1. Pick up on something someone has said, complicate it or dispute it
  2. Uncover the significance about what they have overlooked
  3. Disagreement: find the limitations of what others have said


Importance of engaging with different perspectives:

  • Enhances the significance of what you have to say
  • It’s a better approach to acknowledge what others have to say and avoids emotional attacks

For Wednesday 3/23:

  1. Complete TIRQ in journal on blackboard
  2. Finish TIRQ diagram we worked on in class
  3. Find 3 sources that may serve a purpose in your paper