Class Notes 4/18

*Work with sources in your draft so that she can give you good feedback

*If you’re using data/numbers, maybe a chart would be better

Two tips for writing for the public:
– Don’t have footnotes/reference page
-Citations are an academic feature, not a writing for the public feature
– Ways to do this:
-“Recent research on the subject, by scholars at ____,”
– “According to the ____”

– Don’t use acronyms
-people don’t know what they mean
-Some acronyms have multiple meanings

-Things that impact whether you’ll read something:
-The length
-Can you skim it?
-Can I understand it?
For Wednesday:
-Chapter 5 of “ReWritting”
-Post draft to class blog by start of class
-Peer review in class
-As an attachment
-Include a quick explanation of retorical situation (audience, publication, etc.)
-Include where youre at in the process (almost done? early draft?)
-Include if theres something that u really want the reviewer to help you with
-Bring laptops

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