Class notes 4/6

Collaborative planning to figure out what we are going to do for the final project
-research is done because it serves a need
-figure out what experts in the field actually need to hear
-Noah:why does arf continue to be such a problem in developing countries?
Audience could be medical staff in those countries, people with family in those countries, and public health officials who could invoke change, and people who live there.
-lania:what effect does food have on the process of grieving?
Audience could be anyone who eats, people who get eating disorders as a result of grieving, could be psychiatrists or counseling professionals, staff of hospices or people who are about to lose someone close
-Scott: what effect does funding have on hospice providers’ ability to meet goals?
Audience could people that are going to be residing in a hospice, or their families, could be health officials or policy makers, the hospice care providers, donors, insurance companies
-Angelica: how do immunotherapy treatments affect the lives of patients with terminal cancers?
Audience could be patients and their families, researchers, care providers/hospitals, insurance companies, policymakers
-Stephanie: how do race+class change persons experiences in receiving medical care?
Audience could be people who feel that they are disadvantaged as patients, care providers, health insurance companies, the general public
-Laura: how does hospice care help families?
Audience could be families with members seeking hospice care and the clients themselves, donors, the hospices themselves, the doctors recommending hospice care-Matt: how does geography(air+water quality and healthcare systems) affect health outcomes?
Audience could be world health organization members or other large health organizations, real estate agents, prospective movers, policymakers, researchers
****furthering the convo blog entry
**** AND one more blog post
**** AND two comments on classmates blog posts
**** AND read chapt 8 they say I say
1. Bottom line your project.. -what I’m trying to figure out here is….because… -here’s my target audience(and why)
2. Some possible forms that this test might take (brainstorm options)
-4-5 pages
– 4 sources
– Dialogue( Fred:…… Noad:…….)

One thought on “Class notes 4/6”

  1. Solid work at capturing the details of our conversation about individual projects, but you could have structures the info about upcoming assignments to make it more useable for your classmates. It’s rather difficult to follow that section of your notes.

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