Class Notes 3/28/16


  • Coming to terms– acknowledging where the author is coming from
  • Forwarding– taking the authors ideas and putting them into a new environment 
  • Countering– Naysayers, opposition research, how will people question argument, strengthen claim, acknowledge limitations
  • Taking an approach– what a text is trying to do and how they do it, look at sources for help taking your approach, developing your own stance, being influenced by a particular source giving you insight into how you want to go about your work (their language and assembly) 


  • What has been influential in sources you’ve looked at and how will you use it for your work?
  • Make sure you find a variety of sources

How to find sources

  • Library database
  • Complicating your research link in Blackboard (variety of perspectives is important for a well rounded argument)
  • Backlink searching on google
  • Seminal articles- who are the most cited people


Handouts Tab- note taking sheet for sources, rounding out the conversation WS(Should be handed in)


  • Annotated Bibliography due Friday
  • Come to class Wednesday to take notes on documentary

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