In Class Activity 2/22


  1. I am interested in where race, oppression, and  public health bump into each other.
  2. Here are some of the search terms I’m finding productive in this quest: Race, class, oppression, public health, and death are some of them.
  3. Here is an article I’ve found at this intersection (include title, author, place of publication, not just a url): Critical Race Theory, Race Equity, and Public Health: Toward Antiracism Praxis, by Ford, Chandra L, PhD; Airhihenbuwa, Collins O, PhD, published in the American Journal of Public Health.
  4. In this article, research is constantly working through it to explain their theories by using sources through borrowing and extending. Many of their sources used in the beginning of the piece comes from sources of research that go against their argument. They then put their own spin to the source and drags it right back around to their personal research and thoughts by extending the source with their own theories. By the end of the piece, they authorize and borrow from research to further prove their chosen theory for the piece.

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