In Class Activity

I’m interested in where these issues/conversations bump into each other:
Elderly lives and what keeps them going and the intersections that race and class have with the two.

Here is an article I’ve found at this intersection (include title, author, place of publication, not just a url): “The Relationship Between Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life Among Elderly People,” Ali, Marhemat, Sara, & Hamid, 2015, in Holistic Nursing Practice, May/June 2015.

Here’s how research is working in this article (using Harris’s terminology): This article is a description and presentation of a study. Thus, there is research at play throughout this entire piece. Apart from the visual research portrayed through the graphs and tables, there is also the written research descriptions and assessments throughout the piece. Ali, et al, relies heavily on numbers to show to the reader that the conclusions they are drawing are statistically correct and cannot be disproven unless their research methods were faulty. Based on the heavy use of numbers, I am inclined to believe that the authors are writing this piece for a more academic and scholarly audience, because the average person does not know what all these numbers mean in context to the study. Thus, while this article may be heavy on numbers, it is not exactly an article that would get me closer to finding out what I need to know/writing my Unit 2 paper.

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