In-class activity on Monday, 2/22

Today you’ll begin looking in earnest for some possible articles to work with in your Unit 2 research brief. I’d like you to begin that process by answering some questions. Create a new post on the blog for your responses; please tag your post with “inclass2/22” and “invention.”

In your post, please answer these questions:

  1. I’m interested in where these issues/conversations bump into each other: [name those conversations–i.e. public health and social class and end-of-life]
  2. Here are some of the search terms I’m finding productive in this quest: [list them here]
  3. Here is an article I’ve found at this intersection (include title, author, place of publication, not just a url): [note that this does not have to be your final choice for the research brief; you’re collecting possibilities at this point!]
  4. Here’s how research is working in this article (using Harris’s terminology): [discuss specific passages from the article and name those uses—illustrating, borrowing, extending, authorizing, contextualizing]

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