Furthering the Conversation “Improving End-Of-Life Care: A Public Health Call to Action”

During this class discussion we talked a lot about the beginning of this piece. From the first word she is using many different techniques to get the readers attention. For example by using the word “we” as her first word she has already included the reader in what she is about to talk about. Her writing is very straightforward and she makes it easy for the reader to understand what she is trying to say.

Another thing I noticed from her piece was the personal anecdotes that she places throughout. With them she tells the story of her own father and his end-of-life care. Spacing them out the way she did helps get the interest of the reader and keep it throughout the piece. They become immersed in her story and want to find out what happened. This is a good technique as it also helps split up the academic information and charts she has included. Even though academics will be reading it I think her use of a personal story helps keep their interest.

Overall I think she does a good job of balancing the academic information with more easy to read stuff. She is also successful in writing something that truly is a call to action. The way she talks about how everyone will die one day is her way of uniting anyone who reads what she has written. Because this is something that will affect every person it is something that deserves peoples immediate attention. This especially means people in the public health field because she believes these issues directly correlate to that field.

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