Public Health Issues in Syracuse


This article above shows where Syracuse ranks among other cities in the United States based on the concentration of poverty this city encounters. It reiterates our discussion in class about Syracuse jumping to the number one spot of the most poorest city in the country. The article mentioned that the reason why Syracuse has experienced such high levels of poverty if because of suburban development that came at the expense of the central city and older suburbs.


This article mentions how the poverty in Syracuse leads to poor health in many minority communities. Thus, poverty leads to many health issues such as obesity, asthma, etc. It also speaks about the effects it has on kids and school.


Examples of Public Health Writing:

  • “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer –> This books deals with big slaughterhouses in the US and the big meat companies that used to exist in the 70-80’s. This book also reminds me of the essay by Susan Hess about end of life care specifically in animals and the way companies would kill animals in a cold-hearted way just so that the public can eat meat.
  • This article discusses the health issues sugar has on people’s diets. As society is becoming more advanced, people are realizing how much of an impact sugar plays in people’s health


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