Furthering the Conversation

In my project, I am trying to figure out how race and socioeconomic status affects a disadvantaged individual receive medicare because these are important factors that are important to ensure whether medicare is provided to everyone equally or whether there are disparities among people. My targeted audience can definitely people who are disadvantaged patients, care providers, health insurance providers, and the general public. This audience is not limited and can also include sociologists, psychologists, etc. I still have yet to think about the form I want this project to take but I decided to incorporate the idea of socioeconomic status in my topic question to avoid generalizations as much as possible. Any race can struggle achieving the adequate resources for medicare so I did not want to paint a certain race group with the same brush. With socioeconomic status, it makes it more easier for me to explain the main race groups that are affected by medicare and the types of race groups that are at a disadvantage. I am still struggling to find a way to go against my position I will be taking in my project. I feel like I am explaining too much about the types of groups that are affected and in what ways/how they are, but It would be helpful to find a clever way to find a rebuttal to my arguments.

3 thoughts on “Furthering the Conversation”

  1. Hi Stephanie! I think that you are on a great track, and this is a wonderful and very relevant topic! I think that one argument that you can speak on is the fact that a lot of people do not think that there are not any discriminations happening in this field, let alone the world. A good rebuttal to this would be statistics, possibly looking at the rate of how one of the leading causes of death is the (misdiagnosing? I am not totally sure on the term…) misdiagnosing of patients from doctors. How many of those deaths are people of color? And what questions/arguments may that side of the question stir? Maybe it may stir the question of “is there a better care for people that are not of color? Is there less caution with people that are of color? Etc. Etc. I hope this helped… even a little bit!

  2. You’ve outlined a number of possibilities, and as you’re thinking about how to move forward, it will be really important for you to focus your audience and your purpose–you won’t be able to reach everyone and cover everything in one text.

    You can start with narrowing either of those–audience or purpose. Think about what you’ve learned that you’re most interested to share, and work forward from there. We’ll talk about this more in class next week.

  3. I really like your ideas, and the fact that you were able to include disadvantaged people into your research topic. In terms of format, maybe you could do a very informative pamphlet that would theoretically be placed in hospitals for these disadvantaged people to read and benefit/learn from. One thing I would say is to make sure that you are using proper wording. Medicare is a type of medical insurance provided to people on Medicaid. Maybe it would be better to use medical care instead of Medicare.

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