Notes 3.23.16

  • Looked at Wall Street Journal pieces
    • Took note on:
      • Author’s background
      • Authors perspective (From article)
        • Nonprofit x 2
        • Nutritionist
        • Food writer/journalist
        • Academic/policymaker
      • Contribution to the conversation
      • How the author counters ideas
    • Concentrate on argument
      • “Who are we naming and are we doing so respectfully”
        • Not offending those we are opposing in the argument (Keeping it respectful/correct)
      • When conversing on an issue, focus on “Effective engagement,” No ridiculous “you’re just stupid” answers/comments
    • Research
    • Use variety of search engines (library database, library itself, etc.)
      • Tools:
        • Different search engines
        • Check bibliographies
        • “lmk searching”
          • link:url
        • Annotated bib should be 6-8 sources

One thought on “Notes 3.23.16”

  1. solid, but could use some more detail on the search tools we discussed–what they’re valuable for and how to use them to round out your set of sources

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