Class Notes 2/24/2016

“Writers who make strong claims need to map their claims relative to those of other people” (They Say I Say 30).


  1. Make sense of the genre of scholarly articles (new genre for us)
  2. Summary (as a tool of research writing)


  • Category/Type (different styles) short story, poem, etc
  • Music, film, books
  • like/don’t like
  • sorting tool
  • what makes a genre? perception, subject/content, style
  • organized (easier to find stuff)
  • flexible
  • response to a recurring rhetorical situation
  • figure out how genre works: better writers, better readers (use similar techniques), more flexible writers (tools for new situations)

Article Activity

  • Intro/early childhood
  • relate concepts (identify), why?(we could do more)
  • how they do it
  • questions (how education/social science overlaps with public health)
  • methodology of studies 
  • survey of literature in fields of education of public health looking at crossover
  • k-12
  • facts using pro and cons, open for interpretation
  • free lunch-more aware of healthy choices, could increase obesity (both sides)
  • smaller class size does not have as  positive an outcome as they were looking for
  • abstract
  • what they did how they did it
  • review evidence from studies, which educational components are necessary for good health outcomes at all education levels?
  • higher ed
  • factors already in play continue into higher ed, good education, good college experience. Not as good education will lead to no college or not as productive an experience
  • college=better health
  • increase people going, doesn’t reduce health inequalities, then the elite schools will have better health
  • not all govt controlled
  • conclusion
  • summarized studies, warrant new studies, use public education to promote public health

Scholarly Article Format

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Data
  • Interpretation/Findings
  • Conclusion (should give a “So What?”)


  • Service Reflection #2 due by the end of the day on Friday
  • Bring a scholarly article related to your topic of interest to class on Monday
  • Service Reflection #3 is due on Monday as well

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