In class assignment 2/22

  1. I’m interested in where these issues/conversations bump into each other: [name those conversations–i.e. public health and social class and end-of-life]
  • I am interested in how public health and hospice care go hand in hand. After going to Francis House two weeks ago, I wanted to learn more about hospice care/ end of life treatment for patients. I noticed the environment was very different from a typical hospital. It would be interesting to know reasons why people end up in hospice care and why end of life treatment is important for both the patients and families. Additionally, because I am an econ major, I am interested to see if hospice care is better off economically compared to the other methods of dealing with end of life care.


  • 2. Here are some of the search terms I’m finding productive in this quest: [list them here]
  • End of Life
  • Public Health
  • Hospice Care

3. Here is an article I’ve found at this intersection (include title, author, place of publication, not just a url): [note that this does not have to be your final choice for the research brief; you’re collecting possibilities at this point!]


Title: Hospice care reduces end-of-life costs, hospitalizations for Medicare beneficiaries

Author: Alexandra Todak

Place of Publication: United States

4. Here’s how research is working in this article (using Harris’s terminology): [discuss specific passages from the article and name those uses—illustrating, borrowing, extending, authorizing, contextualizing]

  • The author here does a great job with illustrating/contextualizing her points with using statistics done through a test and past studies done about end of life care with with economics. The author here. She uses references from authors who wrote in JAMA (The Journal of American Medical Association).

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